lauantai 14. kesäkuuta 2014

Glitches :DD

Here is a picture I found from Google:
Hai AJ Jamm's! :D

It's time to tell you about glitches in AJ!

What is a glitch? Well... Good question. Beacause you just came to right place! Here I will tell you about glitches. Glitch is an unexepted thing, what could happen everywhere around Jamaa. Like: You can walk in air. Cause AJ haven't see those things before. There is many glitches in AJ. You can see videos on youtube about those. Here is how to make one glitch that I just figured out:

Steps that you need to do:

1. Go to Canyons Pathway wich is beetween Coral Canyons and Crystal sands.
2. See the doorway to Coral Canyons?
3. Quiclky switch your animal and run next to the doorway.
4. Don't run in the doorway! Run to the left side of it.
5. See the wall next to doorway?
6.You can see a piece from your animal inside from it.

You got: A glitch! :D

There is also many other different glitches around jamaa. So what are you waiting for? Explore the Jamaa and tell us your glitch story! :DD

Happy glitching!: Infinity :3

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