lauantai 21. kesäkuuta 2014

Chemistry set! :DD

Hai jammers! :3

Today I will tell you about chemistry stuff :DD
Did you know that there is an laboratory at Lost Temple Of Zios? It's called Brady Barr's laboratory. There is many things and videos to find out. There is also chemistry set at bottom of lab. Do you know how it works? There you can make own "drinks" and stuff. There is also a way to make a rainbow drink. Wanna hear it?

Steps for rainbow drink:

1. Start the game.
2.Click all the colors 3 times.
3.Click the little fire tube under the bottle 3 times.
4.Click the bottle (The first one from the 4 bottles)

You got: A rainbow drink, and a chemistry achievement! :DD

Hope u got your own drinkie! XD

~Infinity :3

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