maanantai 30. kesäkuuta 2014

Free chat :DD

Btw here is my new look :3
Hai jamm's! XD

Wonder how other people got free chat in AJ? Well if you wanna learn, here are the things to do:

1.Go to "Parent's" page.
2.Log in. (If you don't have password ask your parent to help.)
3.Go to "Safety" page.
4.See the box what says: "Chatting"?
5.There is 3 different chat ways.
6.If you have bubble chat choose: "Free chat/Safety chat".
7.Log in to AJ.
8.Try to say 1234.

If it worked, you got: Free chat! :DD

Hope it worked with you.
Comment below if it did not so we could help!

~Infinity :3

Rare item monday: Rare Freedom Tie o3o

I drew this on rare tie and added some things. :DD
Hello everyjammer! :D

Today is rare item monday like every single monday! Can you guess what is today's rare? It is Rare Freedom Tie! You know that Freedom party is back on the my parties list? That's whhy AJHQ wants to show you how much they like Freedom so they gived rare freedom tie for everysingle jammer to stores. Only 550 gems! Go get your own tie and show you Freedomness! XD

Happy Freedoming!

~Infinity <3

lauantai 28. kesäkuuta 2014

New den: Crystal palace o3o

This is how big it is o3o
Hai jammers! :DD

Wowie! Have you heard about the new update? There is new den at the diamond shop! It's called Crystal palace at the diamond shop. Costs only 7 diamonds. Btw it's the biggest den ever made! It's all yours den from the crystal mine to the top of the tower! Everything all for you! Buy the coolest and biggest den today!

~Infinity :3

Football season! :DD

Jammer tip! :DD
Wow! The football teams are playing so well! Also AJ wants to memorize that amazing match. The football items in stores are:

*Pro soccerball
*Pro soccer coal
*Soccer ball hat!

So what are you looking at?
Go and get your soccer items today! :DD

~Infinity :3

Rare item monday (late)

The sword in store o3o
Hello everyjammer! X3

Todays rare item is: Rare freedom sword!
It is like pirate sword or member sword and also its colored in freedom colors! Get this beautiful rare now! Only 750 gems! It's now avaible at the jam mart clothing. Only today!

*Did you also know that the freedom party is back?

~Infinity <3

Hacker beware! D:

His old profile
Hai everyjamm!

OMG! I just heard about the amazing AJ hacker! Haven't you heard? He's name is Fman122. Well the AJHQ has remove him from now on. Well then how did he hack ppl? He usually did send ppl jam a grams and when you opened them you didn't got anything and the whole computer turned off. While it was off, he prodably hacked it and stoled items. And you never couldn't log in to you account. I just wonder how he did those messages and hacks... But luckily he's now removed from Aj, so he couldn't hack ppl anymore.

 Always remember beware scammers and hackers!

~Infinity :3

New items: Alpha tiki statues

Liza tiki statue in store :3
Hai buddies and blog readers! :D

Today I'm gonna tell ya about new items at the den items store! The newest items are Alpha tiki statues. There is also an underwater version of it at the underwater den item shop. One statue costs 500 gems only. The alphas on those statues are:

*Sir Gilbert

These are only for members, but who knows if one day they will be beta or for nonmembers? o3o

Wanna hear more about Alphas?

~Infinity <3

maanantai 23. kesäkuuta 2014

Diamond shop glitch?

The AJ hyena XD
Hai guyz! XD

Wow! Have you ever heard about a diamond shop glitch? Like that you can get a hyena with 1000 gems even when you haven't buy it laterly? Once I did the glitch and it actually worked! I didn't spend any of my diamonds! I'm gonna show you how to do it. (If It don't work, please tell us, so I can fix this text, thank you!)

Steps to get 1000 gem hyena:

1.Go to diamond shop.
2.Click the hyena at the shop.
3.Put it a nice name :DD
 4.Press "buy".
5.It use to say:"You already have a Hyena. Would you like to buy another with 1000 gems?"
6.Press "Yes".

You got: Hyena with 1000 gems! :DD

Hope it worked. Please comment below if it did not
Let us know your glitch stories too!

~Infinity <3

sunnuntai 22. kesäkuuta 2014


Random picture from google o3o
Evvo everyjamm! X3

Today I will tell you about AJ pets. They are so fluffy and tiny thinkies that will follow you where ever you go! You can accesorize them and play funny pet games with them! But only some animals has those games around jamaa. And those lucky animals are: dog, duck and snake. Send me a message if there is more pets with games on jamaa! Always play wild! :DD

~Infinity <3

Shop glitch?? o3o

Hello everyjammers! X3
The glitch o3o

It's me here, and today I'm gonna show you an jam mart clothing glitch. It looks like this. All the items are rare, and you have thousands of gems! Man, I wish I could buy those all! Ok... This glitch usually happens when you have a laggy computer and you go to the clothing store. If you want to try it, here are the things to do:

1. Make sure your computer is a bit laggy.
2. Go to jam mart clothing store at Jamaa.
3. Click one of the item tables.
4.See if the glitch worked...
5.If it did not work, try again and again.
6.If it worked...

You got a... Glitch! :DD

And it's not my fault if it did not work though...

Happy jamming! :3  ~Infinity :3

Beta copy??? o3o

The wolf claw in shop o3o
Hai all jamm's on AJ! :3

Wow! Guess what just arrived at diamond shop? "A wolf claw"! I can't belive it! A copy from the beta rare claw machine. It's for non-members and it costs only 3 diamonds though. You can only get wolf plushies from that I think...  I'm really sure it's a nonmember copy or something like that.

Are beta days copyed?
Answer below please! :DD

Always your blogger: Infinity <3

Games o3o

Erro animaljammers! XD
Sol arcade :3

Today I will tell you about AJ games. Games can be founded at Sol arcade or around jamaa. Games are the best way to earn games and have fun with friends. Some games can also be played with 2 players. So bring your buddy to get more fun! One game called  Sky high is made by to earn gems and get some free clothing. If you reach to the top at Sky high, you will get the free clothing item. It also might be a BETA! Once i got beta worn blanket from that game. Games a made to make your day bright and happy!

So what are you waiting for?
Go here and make some!

Any questions?
Comment below! :DD

~Infinity <3

Action spots o3o

Mira statue at Jamaa
Hello again jamm's! :D

Have you heard about those breaking places or those action spots? They are around Jamaa placed in different places. So what is an action spot? Well it's a spot where you need to do an action. Like: sleep,dance, sit, hop and play. Have you ever seen jammers hopping or dancing together at somewhere? If you want to do the same here are some of the action spots in AJ:

*Coral canyons bridge
*Mt. Shiveer ice
*Sarepia forest fire pit
*Lost Temple of Zios path
*Penguins only party ice
*Bunnies only party drum
*Play wild party dance floor
*Atlantis party swirls

And many other ones! :D

Wanna try these?

~Infinity :DD

lauantai 21. kesäkuuta 2014

Chemistry set! :DD

Hai jammers! :3

Today I will tell you about chemistry stuff :DD
Did you know that there is an laboratory at Lost Temple Of Zios? It's called Brady Barr's laboratory. There is many things and videos to find out. There is also chemistry set at bottom of lab. Do you know how it works? There you can make own "drinks" and stuff. There is also a way to make a rainbow drink. Wanna hear it?

Steps for rainbow drink:

1. Start the game.
2.Click all the colors 3 times.
3.Click the little fire tube under the bottle 3 times.
4.Click the bottle (The first one from the 4 bottles)

You got: A rainbow drink, and a chemistry achievement! :DD

Hope u got your own drinkie! XD

~Infinity :3

perjantai 20. kesäkuuta 2014

Beta items: Rare spike's

All rare spike collars :DD
Ello all! :DD

People's favorite item these days is: Rare spike collar and wrist! It's prodably the betast item ever been! When the AJ was made, the rare spike was at the shop. Like if someone has rare spike on list, everybody wants it! People loves spikes! You can also buy spikes at the diamond shop, but they are not beta at all. Here is some knowing about rare spikes:

Rare: Yes
In shop: No (Exept the diamond shop one)
Is in different colors: Yes

Enjoy rareness!

~Infinity X3

The BETA items: Headdress

All headdresses exept rare one...
Hai jammer's! x3

Wow! AJHQ has been made so many different BETA items! And one of the beta'st items is Headdress. There are many different colors of that item. My first headdress was rare one. The rare one is purple and white. Yesterday I got new headdress in trade. I traded my rare one for it. My headdress's colors are red, cream and blue. That one is one of the beta'st headdress ever made. I'm keeping it on my head these days. If you find me you will see! Here is some things about headdress:

Rare: Yes
Can be in different colors: Yes
Is in shop: No

So what are you guyz waiting for?
Get your own headdress today! :DD

~Infinity <3

Epic plushies :DD

Hello everyjammer! :3

Some epic plushies :DD
Today I will tell you about about epic plushies. They are BETA and really rare. And if you click it on game, it will turn into a fluffy ball. The animals in epic plushies are: Wolf, fox, crocodile, bunny, giraffe,tiger, penguin and panda. The epic plushies can be bought from AJ outfitters with $12.00. With the real life plushie you will get an code to the AJ game. If put the code in you will get your on mobile plushie. When you can't play AJ, just take your own epic plushie and hug it XD

Happy plushie time! :DD

~Infinity :3

torstai 19. kesäkuuta 2014

BETA o3o

Betas at the first time in shop :3
Hai everyjamm! :DD

Wow! These AJ days are filled with BETA's. What is a beta? Well it's an item wich is not in shop anywhere. Even shop items has a bit beta, but theyre not so beta as the oldest items in AJ.

Some beta items:

*Rare spike
*Wood floor
*Nature archway
*Space walls
*Moon floor
*Yellow sweets
*Rhino helmet
 And many other items X3

Happy BETA time!
Random BETA den pic from google o3o
~Infinity <3

Say NO to scamming!

Hello everyjam! :D

So what actually is scamming?  Well scamming is a thing, that when other player tricks you or stoles your items. How rude is that! Think about the jammers who got scammed. They become really sad. That's not right! I have got scammed 3 times. So from those days, I've been starting to avoid scammers. Here is few things to avoid scammers:

1. How to regonize a scammer?
*Scammers usually try to trick people, so beware of jammers who are saying something weird!

2.What do scammers usually say?
*Fast flash me!
*Send me your stuff, I will send something back!
*Trade me, winner gets something rare!
*Send me rares, I am really poor!
*Send me your items, I will keep them safe from scammers!

3.What to do, when you see scammer?
*Report and block them. Or send a message to AJHQ.

4.Somebody is scamming you, what to do?
*If that scammer wants to trade, don't do it! It might be a trick.
*Stay away from that guy.
*Report and block.
*Say no, cause you only use the trading system.

5.Your friend has been scammed, what you do?
*Ask him/her who was the guy.
*Try to calm it down
*Report the guy who did the scam.

Hope you know now what to do with a scammer. Beware!

Got better answers? Comment below!

~Infinity :3

Free membership? o3o

My old member outfit :3
Hello Jamm's! :DD

Wow! I've heard things about that AJ has a code to get a free membership! Haven't heard it? Well here's how to do:

2.Log in.
3.Open your jam a grams.
4.Click the jam a gram (Many times you want)
5.Log out.
6.Put the same code with small letters.

You got: A membership! :DD

My cousin tried that but it didn't work.
Comment below if it worked with you!

Happy membering!

~Infinity <3

tiistai 17. kesäkuuta 2014

A real dinosaur?? o3o

The mystical plesiosaur o3o
Hai jamm's!! :3

OMG! I was just taking some pictures about AJ, guess what I just relized about this one?
It has a real dinosaur on it! How that's just possible?
Well there is alot of different creatures here... But this is the only ever seen dinosaur on Jamaa. Exept it's on ice. If you look it closer it seems like it's an underwater dinosaur with a long neck. It has fins like dolphins and fishes. This beauty is called plesiosaur.

To find this dino, you have to:

1.Go to Mt. Shiveer.
2.Go to the hot water pound.
3.Look at the ice wall next to it.

You got: A dinosaur! :DD

Happy dino-time! :3

~Infinity <3

maanantai 16. kesäkuuta 2014

Plushies! :D

Wolfie :3
Hai jammers! :DD

 Today I'm going to tell you about AJ plushies! :DD
Plushies are one of the cutest thing in AJ! They are so soft and fluffy. Like the really beta epic plushies too! You can get plushies from trades, or from the claw machine. Claw's can be find at: Sarepia's teather, Conservatium museum, Captain's Juice hut, Sol arcade and also from the parties too. There is also a beta claw for members.

Have fun collecting time!

Tigress :DD
Bunneh XD
~Infinity and Misslola :3

Real phantoms??

Phantoms o3o
Hai everyjammer! :DD

Have you ever heard about phantoms in "Lost Temple of Zios"? If you sleep next to the mask, you maybe get a rare or random prize from Phantoms. Maybe it would be true? Go ahead and try to see the Phantom king :DD

Happy phantoming! XD

~Infinity and Miss <3

Rare item monday!

Hai Jamm's! :DD

Today is monday, so guess what it is?
Todays rare is:..

Remember to get your own rare, cause this beauty won't wait!

Haven't get it yet?

sunnuntai 15. kesäkuuta 2014

My new AJ look idea :DD

Hai Jamm's! :3

New costume :DD
Here is a pic about my new costume idea:
It's also gonna be my new blogger picture! :DD

Comment below what you think!

Wanna make your own costume?


Hevvo everyjammer! :DD

Now I'm gonna tell you about:

Name: Zios
Creature: Sky father (mask)
Is: Unkow...
Likes: Happiness, light, animal jam.
Dislikes: Phantoms, darkness, chaos.
About Zios: He was a kind and sweet sky father. Until the Phantoms destroyed him. Now he's mask is laying at the lost temple of Zios.

Wanna bring him flowers?
Go here and say him hello from me:

Good memories to him!

~Infinity <3

Parties! :DD

Having happy in da party XD
Hello there Jam's! XD

Today I'm going to tell you about parties!
Parties can be founded in the "My parties list". AJHQ have made parties so jammers could have fun all day long, until the party ends... But don't worry! A new party will start right ahead! Even right now, I'm on the "Jam Session" party having some fun with other jammers! In the parties you can also buy accesories or den items. Some parties even have plushie claws on!


Den item shop:
Remember to go a party and have fun!

~Infinity and others :DD

Jorney book: Deep Blue

Hello Jam's! :3
Me as seal and that fishie under me o3o

Here is about Deep Blue:

Things you can find:
1. Giant squid
2. Frog fish
5. Oarfish
6.Gulper eel
8. Giant isopod

Prize: Porthole fish tank

Haven't find these all yet?
Go searching!

Beta days are coming back? o3o

The horns in shop, only today!
Hevvo Everyjam's! :DD


Have you heard about that BETA days are coming back? Last beta was a long bow. Todays beta is: BETA Gazelle horns!

Make sure you log in today, cause these BETA'S won't wait you!

And I bought one of each color :DD
Haven't bougth those yet?
Why don't u step here?: and buy your own gazelles before they go off!

Happy jamming! ~Infinity <3

lauantai 14. kesäkuuta 2014

Graham's jokes!

Hai everyJamm's! :DD
"It's time for tehehee!"

I was making my blog when Graham stepped in and asked me to tell some jokes, funny or not. So... Now it's joke time! :DD

*What did the deer said when he kicked his milk glass down?
 "Oh deer..."

*What did the jammer said when Phantom putted her deep sleep?
"Oh snap!"

*Liza dropped rock on a phantom. Phantom squeesed, what did she say? "Bingo."

*The jammers called: Who and What fighted. Who won.

*MissLola stepped in Infinity's den when she drinked coffee. Miss scared her so badly that she trhew her coffee on her. How did she reacted? "Is it hot here, or is it just me?! Infinity said madly.

*Wolf went to wolfes only party. He sitted next to claw and said: "Man, I wish I would be a plushie too!" Then another wolf came and pushed the other wolf inside the claw. "There, happy?" The other wolf said.

*What did the panda said at halloween when he eated bamboo? "BamBOO!"

Well here's all jokes I've made so far!
Got even better jokes? Comment below!

Happy joking! ~Infinity and Graham

The phantom king

The Phantom King
Hevvo Jamm's! :DD

Now I'm going to tell you
about Phantom king:

Name: Phantom king
Animal: Phantom
Is: Unknow
Likes: Chaos, darkness, destroying Jamaa.
Dislikes: Light, jammers, Alphas, when jamaa
is ok
About King: It is mean everyone knows. It has 2 arms, spiked head and it can spawn more then 1000 phantoms! What a chaos!

Want to defeat this meanie?
Why don't you step here?:

Greetings from adventure! :DD

I met Graham!
Hevvo everyjam's! XD

Here is some pictures about me
playing some adventure!
Me as a phantom and I'm next to Greelys mask.

Wanna see these too?
Sent pictures below!



Ello Jamm's! :3
Here's the shark o3o
OMG! Check out this photo I tooked:

It's from the cruise ship party! Can you belive it?

Steps to see the shark:

1.Go to Cruise Ship Party
2. Go to the backside of the boat.
3.Wait for it...

You got: A shark fin! :DD

Have you see the shark yet? Please comment below about your shark time XD
(Haven't see shark yet? Click here to see it now!:

Alphas: graham

Hey there again! XD

Here you learn about:

Name: Graham
Animal: Monkey
Is: A boy
Likes: To discover Jamaa, learn new things, teach jammers
Graham in the game?
Dislikes: Phantoms, dark, when phantoms mess everything.

Have you seen Graham yet?
Tell us below about your stories!

~Infinity and Alphas

Alphas: Sir Gilbert

Hai everyjam! XD

Here you can figure out who is:

Name: Sir Gilbert
Animal: Tiger
Is: A boy
Likes: Happy jammers, jamaa, Mira,Zios.
Dislikes: Phantoms, darkness, phantom king.
About Gilbert: He is kind and sweet to jammers. He also keeps jamaa to look ok.

Do you want to keep Jamaa ok?

Why don't you step here and log in: