maanantai 30. kesäkuuta 2014

Free chat :DD

Btw here is my new look :3
Hai jamm's! XD

Wonder how other people got free chat in AJ? Well if you wanna learn, here are the things to do:

1.Go to "Parent's" page.
2.Log in. (If you don't have password ask your parent to help.)
3.Go to "Safety" page.
4.See the box what says: "Chatting"?
5.There is 3 different chat ways.
6.If you have bubble chat choose: "Free chat/Safety chat".
7.Log in to AJ.
8.Try to say 1234.

If it worked, you got: Free chat! :DD

Hope it worked with you.
Comment below if it did not so we could help!

~Infinity :3

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